Thursday 8 March 2012

The Goonies

A group of kids think of ways they can come up with money to save their houses from the rich people. The kids run upstairs in the attic to Mikey, the main boy's, dad's museum collection. While up there they find a real teasure map of the pirate Mikey's dad told stories about, One-eyed Willy. The kids go on a treasure hunt in hopes to find the treasure but they run into some criminals and booby traps along the way!

Main Characters:
                            Mikey - Sean Astin
                            Brand - Josh Brolin
                            Chunk - Jeff Cohen
                            Mouth - Corey Feldman
                            Andy - Kerri Green
                            Stef - Martha Plimpton
                            Data - Jonathon Ke Quan

The people who picked actors for the characters in this movie did a really good job. Everyone's characters were very believable and fit the parts perfectly.

The Goonies is a movie filled with laughter, terror and suspense! There are moments where you can't stop laughing, moments that you hide your eyes and moments that keep you on the edge of your seat!

I don't have a specific favorite part of this movie, anything with Chunk is my favorite part. He's thee cutest and funniest kid in the movie.

If you're looking for a good movie to watch, definitely consider The Goonies.  (:

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Unusual Job-Paradise Island Caretaker

If you are employed as the Paradise Island Caretaker on Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef your duties are:
                 - swim
                 - explore
                 - relax
                 - blog
The idea of this job is to do everything the resort has to offer and write a blog to promote the island and resort.

The salary of this job is definitely not minimum wage. The Paradise Island Caretaker is on a $111,000 six month contract!

         - you are paid to have fun and relax
         - you live rent free in a three-bedroom villa with a pool
         - all your food and activities are free
          - you don't get to be with your family or friends
          - if not use to heat you're more prone to heat stroke and sunburn

I would love to work as a paradise island caretaker. It would be good for me because  I love the heat and water and relaxing. The one thing that would be hard for me to do this job is being away from my family for six months.

Click the link below to see a video about the paradise island caretaker!

Monday 6 February 2012

Someone I Admire

From the time we were little girls me and my big cousin would always play together at Grandma Whitford's farm, making mud pies and going out looking for adventures in the woods. Or we'd go to the lake with the families and we'd run around and swim until we looked like prunes. We were always just like two peas in a pod, you never would have guessed there's a three year difference in age. Now that we are older, I'd come to realize that Michelle is someone I truly, deeply admire.
Life was never easy for Michelle. When she was just a little girl doctors found out that something was mentally wrong with her. Michelle had seizures so she underwent surgery and was put on medication. Things didn't get any worse for awhile, but then the most heartbreaking, unthinkable occurrence happened. Michelle's mother passed away. Her parents were divorced by then and Michelle lived with her mom and her sister and two brothers. After her mom's passing, Michelle had to move in with her dad and adapt to a whole new life without her mom. Now, she's eighteen years old and just had a brain surgery that could possibly change her life for the better. With this surgey it is possible that she can stop needing all the medication and be able to have the intellectual ability to make her own life choices. There is also the possibility that all her motor skills will stop functioning and she will be able to do nothing.
With everything that has happened in Michelle's life she is always cheerful and talkative. She thinks that everything happens for a reason and God has a plan for her. Michelle is one very strong girl and whatever struggles that come to her she fights back to beat them. You'd think that someone with a life like this would be the total opposite of happy, outgoing Michelle. It's for these reasons that I love, respect and admire her.

My Solid Dream Destination-Australia!

Sydney, Australia

Beautiful Beach, Australia

Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Outback Australia

Here is a video of all the solid things you can see and do on the land down under!

Cost! : From Saskatoon, Canada to Sydney, Australia in the month of Febuary will cost me $18,951 for a one way first class ticket with Air Canada. 

Attractions! : - Surfing
                      - Hang glide
                      - Camel trek through desert
                      - Snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef
                      - Dive with great white sharks 
                      - Rescue turtles 
                      - Sydney to Melborne coastal drive
                      - Cody Simpson <3 
Solid Facts About Australia! : - the zoos have no cages
                                                 - No part of Australia is more then 1000km away from the ocean  
                                                 - fairy floss is what they call cotton candy 

Australia is my dream destiation for many reasons! The weather there is gorgeous, the scenery is breath taking and there is many things to do and see... and I also love those accents! If I were to go to Australia i would be sure to go to the Great Barrier Reef to go snorkeling! Maybe I'd even try surfing on the coast. It would be so solid to be able to see all the creatures that live in the sea for my own eyes! I would also go on an outback adventure and be sure to see all their desert animals, like the kangaroo! I wouldn't mind seeing a koala bears, they're so cute.:)

Thursday 12 January 2012

Some Money-Free Ways To Have A Solid Time

Are you broke and bored? Well, don't worry no more! I have come up with some solid ideas to have a good time if you're low on cash and bored!

- Feeling adventurous?(: Go snorkeling in the Saskatchewan River! Or a river near you! (Just make sure you have all your shots!)
- Grab some friends, garbage bags, rope and a quad/snowmobile. Hook the rope to the quad/snowmobile, get your friends to grab a piece of the rope and get them to sit on the garbage bags while you pull them from behind! SUCH A SOLID TIME!(:
- Go to your local pet store and play with the animals!
- Get on your protective eye glasses and go dumpster diving!
- Feeling the need to do something good for your community? Volunteer at your hospital, soup kitchens, SPCA, ect.)
- Have an at home Spa Day!
- Who says Christmas activities need to be done? Go caroling(:
- Since you're low on cash, go ditch picking for bottles and cans! 5 to 10 cents a can!(;
- Put on a puppet show!
- Start a solid blog!
- Read a book(:
- Live on a farm in the middle of nowhere with cows? Well grab a cow and get milkin'.(:
- Have a car wash! It's fun and you'll earn a little extra cash(:
- You and your friends can walk around your neighborhood washing people house windows on the outside!
- Try out Fear Factor with your friends!(Fear Factor is a game with crazy things people have to do. Like drinking a raw egg, or eating a worm, and going into a gas station dressed in little kids clothes, the possibilities are endless!)
- Like taking pictures? You and your friends can set up a photo shoot and take some real solid pictures(:
- Make a music video with you and your friends! You don't have to have a nice voice to sing(:
- Stay in with the fam jam and have a solid time(:
- Play some boardgames!
- Make a 5 course meal! (It doesn't have to be extravagant. Just be creative and see what you can come up with.)
- Like to go camping but it's to cold outside? Set up camp in your living room! Solid.(:
- Climb a tree, let your inner monkey come out(:
- Play some solid Pac Man. Classic. B)
- Go play at the playground and bring back those childhood memories!
- Visit Granny or Gramps(: Most solid thing you could do. B)

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Some REAL Solid Pictures

The picture above is of The Perfect Sandwich. It was made by me, Solid Taylor, and I am very proud of it. (:  It was a very tasty sandwich and Solid Kianne is in awe over it. 

 The picture above is of My Tay and I. Tay is one of my very best friends who moved back to Cranbrook, BC and I miss her so much. ): 

 So, this picture above is of Solid Kianne and I. Isn't Solid Kianne gorgeous? I did her hair and make up, nbd. (; 

The picture above is of, again, Solid Kianne and I. As you can tell.. we're looking real solid in this picture. We're just a solid pair. (:

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Solid Super Cows

Cows are my favorite animals for many reasons. They are very tasty, fun to have cowback rides on, and they're beautiful. I like steak, i bet the cows in this video make some pretty darn good steak..yum. Wouldn't a cowback ride be extremely fun on one of these super cows? I sure think so. Lastly, but certainly not the least, these cows are GORGEOUS. Just take a look at this video and find out what im talking about. Stay solid.

Solid Babies Having a Solid Tyme.. Solid.

Wednesday 4 January 2012