Thursday 12 January 2012

Some Money-Free Ways To Have A Solid Time

Are you broke and bored? Well, don't worry no more! I have come up with some solid ideas to have a good time if you're low on cash and bored!

- Feeling adventurous?(: Go snorkeling in the Saskatchewan River! Or a river near you! (Just make sure you have all your shots!)
- Grab some friends, garbage bags, rope and a quad/snowmobile. Hook the rope to the quad/snowmobile, get your friends to grab a piece of the rope and get them to sit on the garbage bags while you pull them from behind! SUCH A SOLID TIME!(:
- Go to your local pet store and play with the animals!
- Get on your protective eye glasses and go dumpster diving!
- Feeling the need to do something good for your community? Volunteer at your hospital, soup kitchens, SPCA, ect.)
- Have an at home Spa Day!
- Who says Christmas activities need to be done? Go caroling(:
- Since you're low on cash, go ditch picking for bottles and cans! 5 to 10 cents a can!(;
- Put on a puppet show!
- Start a solid blog!
- Read a book(:
- Live on a farm in the middle of nowhere with cows? Well grab a cow and get milkin'.(:
- Have a car wash! It's fun and you'll earn a little extra cash(:
- You and your friends can walk around your neighborhood washing people house windows on the outside!
- Try out Fear Factor with your friends!(Fear Factor is a game with crazy things people have to do. Like drinking a raw egg, or eating a worm, and going into a gas station dressed in little kids clothes, the possibilities are endless!)
- Like taking pictures? You and your friends can set up a photo shoot and take some real solid pictures(:
- Make a music video with you and your friends! You don't have to have a nice voice to sing(:
- Stay in with the fam jam and have a solid time(:
- Play some boardgames!
- Make a 5 course meal! (It doesn't have to be extravagant. Just be creative and see what you can come up with.)
- Like to go camping but it's to cold outside? Set up camp in your living room! Solid.(:
- Climb a tree, let your inner monkey come out(:
- Play some solid Pac Man. Classic. B)
- Go play at the playground and bring back those childhood memories!
- Visit Granny or Gramps(: Most solid thing you could do. B)

1 comment:

  1. WOW! so cool! the quading one with the rope sounds soooo cool!! (y)
